Home » Blue Mon. – Tabletop Tues. – Still Tweaking

Blue Mon. – Tabletop Tues. – Still Tweaking

Today I am joining Sally @ Smiling Sally for her wonderful Blue Monday meme. Be sure to visit her to see all the lovely blue that everyone is showing.I am also joining Barb @ Grits and Glamour for Table Top Tuesday. You will also want to visit her and see all the wonderful vignettes everyone is creating.This is a picture that I showed you in my last Met. Monday post of our Master Bedroom. Well, since then I made a trip out shopping and found a couple of things that are just perfect for this room. So I have changes that I just wanted to show you. This is the end table on my side of the bed. Ok, but could be better.I went into Pier 1 a couple of days ago and they were having an 80% off sale on a lot of things. I found 4 wonderful plates marked down from $9.99 to $l.49 ea. that I’ll show you in a Valentine’s tablescape. But the thing I love the most is this wonderful blue and white ginger jar. It’s really large and marked down to $9.99. It’s just perfect for the nightstand. It’s quite large, but I think the scale is so much better than the small picture. I’ve been trying to add to my blue and white collection, so this is a real find for me.Had to have to artsy shot. lol I really like the pattern on the jar. Not too oriental, and a little more frenchy or cottagy. Perfect.On the way home I had to stop by the GW of course and I found a treasure there too. This is the DH’s nightstand before.I found this wonderful large blue and white orb for $1.99 and it was senior day with 10% off. Gotta love that. I think it looks perfect with the candlesticks. I love both my new treasures.After I got home and finished playing in the bedroom, I took a look at the end table by my chair in the familyroom. Pretty sad. So I tried a few things out to change it up a little.I just needed some color. Not too many changes, but it will still function and it is a little bit more colorful. I have to have room for a favorite magazine and a cup of tea or glass of juice, so I really need to keep it simple.Starting with the basics, I kept the same lamp. I just love the detail on it and can you believe that I found it at GW for $12. I have looked and looked for more lamps, but this is the only decent thing I’ve found so far.The clock is one of my most precious things. It was a gift from the DH for our 25th Anniversary. I just love it and enjoy looking at it everyday. He’s a real keeper. I’ve used a small white bowl and a few fall foliage pics and one flower to create a really small floral arrangement. I’ve added a cute little bird figurine for fun.I found this really cute little crystal egg at the DT and just thought it would be great anywhere. I like it here.Really simple changes, but it looks so much brighter and cheerier. I like it for a change.Thanks so much for stopping by. I really do appreciate your visits. Hope to see you again soon.


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