Home » Helping Hand Challenge

Helping Hand Challenge

Jane @ Frugal Fine Living has challenged us all to look around and help someone who is hurting.

Jane has reminded us that with all the problems we are currently seeing in this wonderful country, no jobs, foreclosures, divorces, illnesses and for many families total devastation from nature too, that we should all reach out to try and do what we can for each other.  She is challenging us to find just one person and try to reach out to them in someway to help. 

She has requested that we post the following on our facebook or blog.

“…has noticed lately that there are so many people who are hurting for one reason or another. If each one of us could just reach out to just one of them, it could be the start of something really big. Paste this in your status line if you’re in. “

Those that know me are aware that I do a lot of work with seniors.  I have several that I visit on a regular basis.  Sometimes it’s just a visit, but almost always it is to help them with a few things they need.  It can be a wide range of needs, but always so rewarding to help them.  Some of the things they need are:

1. Housecleaning – I always do some housecleaning when I am there.  Things they can’t do that are too hard for them, or cleaning something they can’t reach.

2. Grocery shopping and cooking a few meals and putting them in the freezer.

3. Running errands and picking up prescriptions.

4. Helping clean out a closet and doing an extra load of laundry.

There are many other small needs that they have, but the visit and the help makes all the difference in their world and mine.  I always come away rewarded far more than I can ever say.

Look around your area and see who you could help.  Maybe an extra casserole for their dinner, or bake a cake.  If you have children that have clothes that they have outgrown, pass them on to someone else that can use them.  Offer to run an errand for them. Maybe invite their children for a play day so they can have some time off.  Most importantly, be sensitive to the person you want to help and by no means do anything to embarrass them in any way.  Just be a friend and you will soon see their need and you can do what you can.

I hope everyone will meet the challenge and see if they can find at least one person to show a kindness to and help in some way.


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