Grandma’s Cream Pie

This is my grandma’s recipe and the only one I ever remember my mother making.  A very easy and simple cream pie.  You can vary the flavor with just a few changes.  It makes one 9″ deep dish pie or two regular pies.

I decided to make a coconut pie since it is one of my DH’s favorite.

Mix 1 cup sugar

1/2 cup flour

3 egg yolks and

3 cups milk in a sauce pan

Cook on med. high heat, stirring constantly until it comes to a full boil and is thick.

 Save the 3 egg white in a bowl for meringue.

 When the cream mixture is done, add 1 tsp. vanilla and stir in thoroughly.  At this point I added 2/3 cup coconut and stirred that in well.  Pour into baked piecrust shell.

 Whip the egg whites until soft peaks, then add 1/3 cup sugar and beat until stiff peaks and glossy.  Spread over the pie filling and swirl in peaks.  Sprinkle a little coconut on top.  Bake in 350 oven until golden brown.

 Set on counter to cool some, then I like to place it in the fridge so it is really cold and yummy.

Since this is a basic cream filling recipe, you can make the following adjustment:

For chocolate add 3 tsp cocoa to the mix before cooking
For dark chocolate add 2 melted chocolate cooking squares
For Banana, line baked shell with sliced bananas, add a few to the top of the filling and either add the meringue, or serve it plain with whipped cream.
All kinds of berries can be added also.  Just use what you have and enjoy.

If you need a basic pudding recipe, this one is fabulous.  I am sure you will love it and so easy to make.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always look forward to your visits.

I am joining Foodie Friday @ Designs By Gollum


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