Home » Sea Inspired Cloche

Sea Inspired Cloche

Just a reminder of the Summer Cloche Party that is coming up on 7/19, so I thought I would show you a little seaside display that I have in the living room.

 Shells are perfect for summer decor, and since I have a few that are special to me, I wanted to display them.

 Remember these precious little Salt Cloches that my friend Chie in Sweden sent to me.  She gave me 4 of them with the most precious little spoons.  I think they are way too cute to just save for a tablescape, so I use them all over the house in all kinds of decor.  I put some of my shells inside two of them for this vignette.

 Light colored shells in the first one and darker shells in this one.  Bright sunshine today made it a little hard to photograph, but in person you can see the shells perfectly.  Aren’t these just the cutest little cloches you’ve ever seen.  I totally adore them.

 A view of the darker shells inside.

 I also added a small crystal bowl to hold a few more.

 A small arrangement under the larger cloche ties them all together.

 A bit of summer and the seashore.  Now if I was just there. lol

 Don’t forget the Summer Cloche Party is on 7/19.  Use any glass container, apothercary jar, mesh cloche, wire or even wicker.  Birdcages and terrariums also count.  So I know you have something you can use.  Just fill it up or place it under and join the party.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always look forward to your visits.


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