Home » Cows Anyone

Cows Anyone

I have no idea why I am always so fascinated by cow pictures, but I am just drawn to everyone that I see.   I use to have a huge painting that I loved and then sold it.  Wish I still had it.  I have been on the look out for another one for quite a while and these are a few that I found.

 I really like this one, it is similar to the one I use to have.  Just looks so peaceful.

 This one just makes me giggle.  I really like it.  Kind of on the primitie side don’t you think.

 I’ve seen this one on calendars.  That’s quite some animal.

 This one is peace and serenity to me too.

I love the rooster in this one.

This is another pretty one with a milkmaid.

So what do you think?  Do you like cow pictures.  I’m still on the hunt, although one of these might be fun to print out.

Thanks for stopping by, I always look forward to your visits.


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