Roo with Attitude

This big white rooster has always had attitude, but as fashionable as white/white is, my house just works better with off-white or a little bit of beige.  So he needed a makeover of some sort.

My trusty stain and a few wipes with a soft cloth and he started to look a whole lot better.  He still needs a little more of the stain rubbed off to be perfect.

Now he looks great.  Shows a little bit of character, and still an off-white.

When I wiped the stain off, I left it with a few streaks to look like feathers.  I thought that looked better than just wiping it all off.

Now it fits so much better in my kitchen with the dark walls.  I love his attitude and he is definitely strutting his stuff.

I am joining the following parties:

Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style

Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage

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