Home » 97th Table Top Tuesday

97th Table Top Tuesday

The tree and all the Christmas decor is down, packed away and up in the attic.  Now we are into a brand new year with tons of possibilities for new everything.   Every day the Lord gives us a new day to start afresh, and the New Year always reminds me of that Blessing.  I hope your New Year is full of wonderful new starts and everything is fresh.

It’s so fun to see how different the house looks and feels when all the Christmas decor is gone, kind of empty, but oh so calm and peaceful.  I love trying to fix those first few tablescapes.  This is the first one this year.  Things that were already here, just moved around to different spots.

I am still enjoying my family photos so much, so of course a couple stayed.

 This urn is one of my favorites and I really enjoy the soft colors of the floral arrangement.  I also love the two marble orbs, the color and texture is so pretty when the light hits them.

 I have really been intrigued by all the feathers I see in all kinds of arrangements.  I love the big frilly one on the right.  I just got a bunch of feathers in the mail from a floral supply, so you will probably see feathers all over the place.

I am sure you are enjoying putting your house back together after the Holidays too.  I can’t wait to see what all you’ve created.

Table Top Tuesday

 107. Schotzy, in Virginia 

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