Home » $20 Worth of Pure Magic

$20 Worth of Pure Magic

The guest bathroom is really small and really builder basic.  There is no storage in here at all and no room for any except what’s under the sink, and it is just a big open mess.

Even I didn’t know it was such a disaster until I took a peek, Boy is this called keeping it real or what.  I don’t think I have even looked under here for months and months.  This all got stirred up really bad.

I guess I should use this bathroom once in a while and I would know what a mess it is.  Unreal.

After the shock of this, I remembered my son buying a couple of storage drawers for his travel trailer while he was here.  I measured and set off to Walmart to see if they still had any.  Now when he was here they had them in clear, blue and gray.  All they had today was blue.  For $9.97 each, even if blue isn’t my color scheme, it is perfect storage and room for everything.  Pure Magic how it cleaned up such a mess.

Now I have the travel size toothpaste, mouthwash, soaps, new toothbrushes, combs and all the little things that a guest might need in the top drawer on the left.  The top drawer on the right holds Q-tips, cotton balls, razors, bandaids and that sort of thing.  The other drawers hold different shampoos, conditioners, bath wash, pocket kleenex, toilet paper and some extra wash clothes.  (I have a towel bar on the back of the door that holds extra towels)  The tall bottles of Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide fit right in the middle.   Anyway, so much better.  Wow I can’t believe I let it become such a mess.  Poor guests, if they needed anything, it would have been impossible to find.  I hope no one ever opened the doors.

Yes, I would have loved to have them either clear or gray plastic, you know how we picky kind are, but I am thrilled with the storage and the organization.

So does your bathroom need a little bit of organizing?

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