Home » Following NIghtmare – Let’s Discuss the Linky Follow

Following NIghtmare – Let’s Discuss the Linky Follow


                                                                                                  Image – pros4technology.com

I have every possible way for someone to follow me on my sidebar and I see that most of you do the same.  Now I am beginning to think this is all a little ridiculous.  Google Friends Connect is suppossed to still work for those that use Blogger for your blog.  If you use wordpress, net or com then apparently they are going to drop you off come March 1.  There are several options and I would like to review some of those.

1.  I still prefer Google Friend Connect if it will work.

2. My second choice would be Networked Blogs.  It works for everyone no matter what format you use for your blog.  Yes you do have to sign up with FB, but no you don’t have to have your blog posts go to your FB page if you don’t want them to.  The biggest advantage is that you follow just like you do with Google Friend Connect.  Just click to follow and there you go, you are all set and all your posts show up in Dashboard.

3.  Third would be to follow in a reader.  It is really simple, just use your email and it comes to you that way.

4.  Now we have the Linky Follow.  I love Brent and he is just a doll, so nothing to do with him personally.  He has a free site and so he had to make a few concessions.  There is no way we could possibly expect him to pay for the bandwith and all the expense it would take to make it totally automatic.  What I mean by that is every time we have a new post we have to go to the Linky site and add that post or else you will not see it if that is the way you are following. Now that is not a big deal, but it is one that I think most of us will find just one more step that seems ridiculous.  Plus in order to see your post if that is the only way I am following you, I have to sign in to Linky and then see the posts from there.  They don’t come to my dashboard like the others do on my blog.  That is a little disturbing, and I am sure that I will miss a ton that I love to follow.

So, I would love for you all to follow me whatever way you wish, however if at all possible I would love to follow you through Google Friend Connect or through Networked Blogs.  Those come straight to my dashboard and are so easy to follow and not miss anything.  I love to read your posts and I really don’t want to have to go to several different sites to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

I hope you will follow me through GFC or Networked blogs also, so you don’t loose touch with me.


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