Home » Kitchen Cloches

Kitchen Cloches

I have been playing with my kitchen cloches again.  (Can’t seem to quit.)  I am also trying to think up a lot of new vignettes for the March Spring and Easter Cloche Party.  Just click on the button on my sidebar and you will find the details for a whole week of parties by some fabulous ladies with wonderful blogs.

So I don’t have any spring cloches today, but I did redo the three that I have in the kitchen.

My kitchen is not only the center of the home, mine is literally in the center of my house.  It is completely open to the familyroom and breakfast area and there is a large doorway opening it to the dining and living areas, so you can pretty much see the entire living spaces of the house from the kitchen.  I spend a lot of time there and so I tire of all the decor really fast, and I just plain like to play and change things up.

The island is in constant use.  I always have a vignette of some kind on this one corner.  This is my largest cloche, and I have never used it in the kitchen.  I already had this vignette, but I found that the cloche would fit  perfectly over the frenchy farmer and his cow friend.  My daughter gave me this cloche last year for Christmas.  It measures 17″ tall x 14″ across the bottom.  Huge and fabulous.

This is the rooster that always makes me giggle.  Doesn’t he look like he is so proud throwing his head back and crowing his loudest.

The light was bouncing off the glass so bad, I couldn’t get a good shot.  Just my fabulous frenchy farmer, a beautiful white cow and a little egg bucket with a tiny plant.  I layed a couple of wheat snippets beside the farmer for fun.

As we look at the back counters, the left side holds a grouping of pig items. I am not a pig collector, but they say if you have 3 of anything it is a collection, well this is all of my pigs and there are 3, so maybe it is a collection.

The cloche holds a little DT pig, some corn, moss and a bottle of different kinds of kernels and seeds.

The right side of the stove has a couple of other vignettes that are always fun to play with.

This vignette is really a working one.  I use all of this stuff every day.  Oils, salt and pepper grinders, can opener and cutting board.  Of course I love having them all contained on the Butter Slab.  The little rooster picture just adds a little charm to the area.

This corner changes constantly.  I am surprised that it has been here for over a week.  Wow, good for me.  Love this neat basket and love the silver and transferware together.

The left side of the counter is the longest section of counter and one I use a lot.  I still like to play with fun vignettes.  I did the needlepoint “Give Us This Day” sampler over 35 yrs. ago.  The corner has a demi-john, bottle carrier with fun things and the scale with a frenchy pitcher holding some flatware.

I really like this cakestand, the finish matches my rooster one so well and it is so fun to have something pretty when I have some fresh baked goodies to put under it.  Right now it has faux fruit and cheese.

That’s it, a tour of the kitchen this week.  It may all change again by next week.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always look forward to your visits.  

There is so much concern about the GFC going away and like you I really don’t want to lose my followers, I love your visits and I want to be able to follow you also.  I have several ways on my sidebar for you to follow, so if you havn’t clicked to follow me yet, I hope you will.  Just pick your favorite on the side bar and let me know so I can follow you also.  

I am linking to the following parties:

Jill at French Cupboard for Voila!French Inspiration on Thursdays 

Gina at The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursdays
Sherry at No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for Friday’s Unfolded
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

Heather and Vanessa at At the Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday 
Diann at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

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