Home » New Wardrobe – I’m All Done Now

New Wardrobe – I’m All Done Now

With all the spring cleaning that I’ve been doing, I decided to stop and try to do something about my wardrobe.  I needed a few more things to carry me over while I am losing this extra 12 lbs, (it just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. – geezzz).  Anyway, I went through the closet and got rid of some things that had seen better days and decided what I needed to carry me through this next spring and summer.

I’ve been on a roll with buying some play and casual clothes that I showed you here and here.  However, after purging things I realized that I really needed a couple of things that would carry me out to dinner and to church.  I made a trip to the mall and stopped in at Nordstroms since they were having some drastic sales in the hopes I could find a couple of bargains.

  I found this really pretty polka-dot silk blouse.  I love polka-dots, so fun.  Marked down from $99 to $39.

I had already bought some new black slacks and a new pair of jeans, so some cream lined silk pants that I found on  the clearance rack marked down from $149 to $59 were the perfect addition.

I also found this cream pair of slacks.  Love the style, so cute on.  They were marked down from $129 to $49.  These three pieces will be perfect for several years and if I ever lose this weight, I can have them tailored since they are good pieces.

I had to make a stop in Target and I never remember to look at their clothes, however I took a walk through and found some really cute things.  Love this knit top, it will be so easy to dress up for a night out, or for church.  It was $9 on sale.

I found this draped neck one also, it was only $7 on sale.  These are nicer looking knit fabric and if I take them to the cleaners, they will look good for several seasons.

This little peasant blouse will be so fun for summer and casual wear, and when you find something that looks really cute, I usually buy multiple colors if I can.

So, I bought this print one too.  How fun are they.  They were on sale for $15 each.

Ok, so I am done now.  Closet purged and new clothes pressed and in place.  I am all set.  I love it when I can just look in the closet and immediately see outfits that I know fit and will work for multiple occasions.  I don’t think you have to have a ton of clothes, just pieces that you like, are comfortable and can mix and match to make several different outfits.  I also like to have a couple that can be dressed up if need be for that special occasion.

So have you been Spring cleaning the house and your wardrobe?   

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