Home » How I’m Spending the Afternoon

How I’m Spending the Afternoon

A while back I told you that I won a giveaway of a fabulous new decorating book, well it just came in the mail, so I am going to have lunch and spend the afternoon reading my new treasure.

 The joy of Decorating by Phoebe Howard

 A turkey sandwich, some chips and a coke.  Perfect to just sit, have lunch and enjoy.

 I love the green and yellow in this room.

 So beautiful in all neutrals.  That one large pillow is interesting.

 Gorgeous blue and white kitchen with just a touch of orange in accessories.

 The walls in this room are so beautiful.  See how the mural is carried up onto the ceiling.  Lovely.

 I’ve just thumbed through so far, but it looks like it is going to become one of my favorites.

Grab one of your favorite books, fix a little snack and spend you some “me” time and enjoy.


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