Answered Prayer

Every day I am totally humbled by how much the Lord loves us and answers our prayers.  He hears our heart and is there with his healing power and love in all of our worst situations.  We have seen this with 2 of our grandsons that had horrific accidents.  One in a car wreck and suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury that the Lord completely healed and went on to finish his degree in Engineering at ASU.  You can read his story here.  It really is such a beautiful story of God’s Love and Grace.

Last year on February 25, 2011 we fell on our knees again asking the Lord for a miracle.  Another one of our grandsons had been in a US Ski Team race and crashed breaking both legs in several places requiring major surgery.  They put two rods in each leg starting at the knee and going down to the ankle, plus multiple screws.

The two rods in each leg and screws at the ankles, plus screws at the knee.  He became my bionic little man.

I went to Oregon to help my son take care of him, and this picture was taken as I left to come home.  He was able to get around in a wheel chair, but still had a long way to go for his recovery.  He spent the next 12 months at the US Ski Team Orthopedic Facility receiving physical therapy several times a week.  He also underwent a 2nd surgery to do a bone graph on the left leg where the bone wasn’t growing together.  Even as bad as his legs were, the Lord so protected him that there was no spinal injury or brain injury.  Praise the Lord.

This picture was taken on March 4, 2012.  Yes, just a week ago.  The Lord is so GOOD.  This was his first time back on ski’s.  No competetive skiing, but he is totally healed and back on the slopes that he loves.  This was his first time to be able to put on a pair of ski’s and give it a try.  He was in heaven.

The Lord has been so faithful to answer all of our prayers and to heal our grandson.  Such amazing Grace and Love is hard to understand.  I know the power of prayer works and I hope you will continue to pray for your loved ones.  The Lord is just waiting and He does Listen and Answer.


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