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Time to Get Your Skin Ready for Spring

We are all getting our homes ready for Spring and really enjoying all the fluffing and cleaning we are doing.  So looking forward to Spring and warm days, beautiful breezes and gorgeous flowers. This is the time of year that we also get out all those Spring and Summer clothes and see what we need to add.  Well just like our homes and wardrobes need a good cleaning and sprucing, so does our skin after all the affects of the winter weather.

As a teenager I grew up on the beach in La Jolla California.  I would burn and tan and burn and tan every single weekend without one thought as to what it was doing to my skin.  Then as a single mom raising 3 children, I used the excuse that I didn’t have the money and the time to primp.  All those years have done a real number on my skin.  It is more like leather than anything else, my pores are huge, and the wrinkles are more related to crevices.  Now in my 70’s I try to take a little bit better care of my skin, but I am still not a primper.  I look for things I can do once a week or something I can do in 5 to 10 minutes a day.  I did just have a facial and a day at the spa, but that will probably only happen once every few years if that often.  So I have a few things that I try to do at home.

I do try to use an Exfoliating Body Scrub at least once a week.  I use this one on my face also, always leaves my skin feeling so soft and smooth.  Find something you like and try to use it every week, it doesn’t have to be expensive and there are even a lot of homemade receipes that work.

We all know about these two products.  I use the Neutrogena Deep Wrinkle Serum every night and every morning.  I also use the Lancome Renergie Lift Contour under my makeup.  The deep wrinkle serum makes my crevices feel sooooo soft,  love that.  The lift contour seems to tighten my skin especially around the eyes.

 When we were heading to Maui in Oct. I bought this little travel size of Aveeno to go in my suitcase.  It is a great little moisturizer.  It is one I will use more often.  The price is super, so give it a try if you havn’t. I keep one of these small ones in my purse all the time.  Perfect for your hands and arms if they feel dry.

 With older skin I find that I need make up that gives off a soft glow.  Anything matte just seems to make me look even older and tired, but a little glow looks fresh and vibrant.  L’Oreal Visible Lift gives off a really soft glow to my skin and there are several shades to choose from, so it is easy to match your skin tone.  I think less is definitely more and only use this under the eyes and around the nose and mouth.  Blend in well.

 This is a little bit of magic in a bottle.  Whenever you are feeling especially tired and look especially drained, a little bit of this gives some extra glow to your face and seems to erase all of the dreary blahs.  It really perks up the eyes.

I love this stuff to add a little bit of sunshine to my face.  Lack of suntan during the winter makes me look so washed out and this adds just the right amount of sun to my face.

 Nothing shiny, just a glow and a touch of sunshine, works wonders for the skin, and those wrinkles look so much softer.

Now I am definitley not a beauty or a beauty expert, but I think we can all do a few things to make us feel and look better.  So while you are fluffing the house, remember to take a long hot soaking bubble bath and treat your skin to a little pampering too.  It doesn’t have to be expensive, drug store items work really well .  (I am not associated with or paid by any of these products, just things that I found that work for me)

So, what are your beauty secrets and what works for you.  Share so we can all try something new.


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