
Oh I am so excited, you know how I said that finally our GW has some neat things again, well, I found a couple of really super treasures.  Plus with it being Senior Day and I was already in the neighborhood, of course I had to pull in and take a look.

I am going to tease you for a minute, but this is my super, duper, duper find.  Wait just a minute and I will show you.  Everything was 25% off the marked price.

 More silver – – – –

 and still more.  Are you ready – – – – – – – -Drum Roll Please

All polished up, look at my great finds.

This is my super duper special find.  Can you believe this for $4.99, obviously they had no idea what they were doing.  Just put the two pieces together and tape them really good and stick a price on it.  I am thrilled, I think it is stunning.  This piece was so black I wasn’t at all sure it would polish, but with a ton of elbow grease it is finally shiny.

 I love the little bowls too.  They are always so perfect for a ton of things.  Now I have 3 different sizes, small, medium and a large one I already had.

 I thought this was a fabulous treasure also.  I love beautiful decanters and I use to have a few, but I have no idea what happened to them.  This one is stunning.

 See the heavy carving on the sides and the bottom.  25% off the price marked – – – – – –

and since it is lead crystal by Towle, well worth it.  The stopper is beautifully carved also.  I found the same one online for $95.00.

All that for $18.70.  

I think they are wonderful finds and I can’t wait to start playing.

Have you found some real treasures lately?

I am joining Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch To Yours
Tales from Bloggeritabille for Thrifty Thursday

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