Home » Easy Yummy Onion Rings

Easy Yummy Onion Rings

I love onion rings,but I don’t like the ones that are tons of batter and the onions seem all limp and soggy inside.  I have a recipe for the best Beer Battered rings you will ever eat, and so easy.

The secret is in the recipe.  You use 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of cornstarch plus 2 teaspoons baking powder.
Mix in small amounts of beer until you have the batter the consistency of pancake batter.  Thick, but not too thick.

Stir until smooth , no lumps. Not too thin.

Cut the onion rings about 1/2 inch this.  Place a few at a time in the batter, turning with tongs to coat them well.

 Place in skillet with enough hot oil to float the rings.  Keep the oil hot, but not so hot they burn.  As the brown turn to cook both sides.  This takes just a minute.

 Place on paper towel to drain. Season with salt and pepper to taste.  These are so light, crispy and non-greasy yummy. Your family will love them.

I am joining Michael @ Design by Gollum for Foodie Friday

1 Comment

  1. June 23, 2020 / 10:21 pm

    Hi Marty,

    These onion rings look yummy! I’m certainly going to try these tomorrow. Thanks for sharing! Pinned!


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