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Spring Cleaning The Linen Closet

As I have told you many times, I have a really small house and one that has the smallest linen closet in the world. Have you ever seen those doors that are a 1/2 door and you open it and can’t believe that it is so tiny inside.

See that tiny door, this is what the builder of this house called a linen closet. My only thought was REALLY?

I needed some new sheets for our bed, so I had been keeping my eye out for a bargain.   Then at one moving sale that I came across there were 4 king size sets of sheets for sale and for $10 a set.  I bought them all.  (The camera made the colors look strange, there are 3 beige and one blue.)

I’m not familiar with this brand, but they felt silky soft, and the colors would work.  Home they came and into the wash they went.  

 I love the feel of freshly washed sheets, they just make you feel soooooooo good when you slide in.  First night sleeping in these and they were so silky soft, I love them.

 Ok, it was definitely time to tackle that tiny linen closet and throw out a ton of things and find out what all needs to be replaced.  This is the mess I saw as I opened the door. Wow!!!!

 Now it is a whole lot better.  At least I can see what is in there and a ton of things were purged or found a new home.

The first shelf holds my really large tableclothes for both the dining and breakfast tables.  These are the ones that fit when we use all 4 leaves and are entertaining 12 guests.  I also have some of my runners and a set of really large straw placemats here.

 I am not a white towel kind of gal.  My bathrooms are beige and white, so I like to use colored towels.  These are the everyday ones that I keep for when my DH comes in really grimmy and I don’t want him using one of my good ones.  (Do you have some of those?)

This shelf is all guest room linens.  4 extra bath sheets – 6 handtowels – guest bed sheets.  In the back are also some twin sheets for the blowup mattress and 2 extra bath mats.  (Sometimes we have an overflow and the blowup works fine for one of the kids.)  I have storage under the sink in the guest bath with additional towels and washcloths, plus there is a 3 tiered hanging rod on the back of the door.  This way I can have pretty towels on display, but still have ones for my guests to use handy.

My new king size sheets.  They’re all folded and stored inside one of the pillowcases to the set.  I also have a couple of quilted throws on the bottom that I use in the car when we take a road trip.  Toilet paper and paper towels on the bottom.

My bathrooms have storage for quite a few towels, plus soaps, shampoos, toilet paper and other necessities so I was able to use this space just for some extras.   Nice to have this mess purged and cleaned up.

This is the storage solution I found for under the sink in the bathrooms.  Plenty of drawers to hold all kinds of bathroom necessities.  The bottom drawers are large enough for toilet paper and extra guest towels and wash cloths.  I always have some new tooth brushes, toothpaste, soaps, body scrub, deodorants, facial cleansers, shampoo, lotions and moisturizers of all kinds for guests. I always buy those small travel sizes so I have a good assortment and plenty on hand. Plus I have a blow dryer and curling iron in one of the drawers and an assortment of clean sterilized brushes and combs.  I don’t want my guests to want for anything that they might have forgotten.  I try hard to keep these drawers neat and make sure that my guests know they are welcome to use anything in any of the drawers.

So, what’s left on your spring cleaning to do list?  I still have a ton.  The master bdrm is next.  Everything moved and cleaned in – under – and around.  I also have a ton of spring cleaning to do in the yard. Ok, I will get off of here and get started.  Hope you have a super day!!!

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