Home » It’s Looking Better-Patio Fluffing

It’s Looking Better-Patio Fluffing

The work continued last weekend in the backyard and the patio.  Still so much to do.   I hosed off all the walls and slab on the patio, so dirty from all the dust and grime of winter.  They look so nice now.  

Next the table, chairs and cushions all got a good scrub.  Now they look and smell so fresh too.

 This side of the patio was looking pretty clean, so time to start on the other side.

 This is where I have the Bonnet Bench that my dad made me 30 or more years ago.  I gave it a good cleaning and polishing and also cleaned the cushions that I made last year.  Again, using outdoor fabrics all you have to do is hose them off.  Love that.  DH and I have our hats sitting on top so we can grab them as we walk out the door.

Nice and clean, but see some of the fertilizers and things DH is using.  Oh well, at least he is working hard and when he’s done all of this can get put away.

 This is one of his projects that he is working on.  An Oleander tree that he is having to remove, the roots got into the two water lines and caused a leak.  He is trying to get the stump out without tearing the whole waterline apart.

One of the Oleander trees is left and is finally big enough to provide a little shade for the patio.  This is the west side of the house and in the afternoon the sun really streams in.  My two potted plants are growing big enough to create some shade too.

 Nothing fancy and still tons to do, but it feels so good to get started and to have this part clean.  I sat here for over an hour and just enjoyed the shade and some tea.  Love that.

Now to get busy and get the rest of the yard done so we can enjoy it all.

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