113th Table Top Tuesday

Welcome to the 113th Table Top Tuesday.  I am thrilled you are here and can’t wait to see what you have been up to.

This weekend was the big furniture move to my son’s new house, so I didn’t have any time to play.  I have spent most of the week there cleaning, setting up his kitchen and bathrooms and getting things ready for the big move.  So all I have is just a fast new tablescape for the coffee table.

My son had a ton of his things in the guest bedroom and I used it for a lot of storage, so clearing that all out is still a chore.  I did grab this huge hurricane that I have had for years and decided to use it on the coffee table again.  Such a neat piece.  Yes, that’s a peak at the new sofa, I just havn’t had time to fluff, so no pics yet.

 I love the rusty base with the scroll feet and the heavy bubble glass on the hurricane.

The antique scale full of fruit stayed, I love the punch of color it gives the room.

My elephant box is always a conversation starter.  (That’s not dust, it’s that grey stuff they put in cracks to make things look aged.  In person it doesn’t look dirty. lol)

 I also used one of the same chargers that I have on the breakfast table and a set of matching coasters.  Kind of gives the room a tropical look with the rush seats of the benches showing through the glass top of the table.

Hopefully I will have more time this week to visit.  I did check on all of your links last week, just didn’t have time to comment on all of them.  You guys are so inspiring.


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