Home » Halls – Decorated or Pass Thru

Halls – Decorated or Pass Thru

Since my home is very small, I use every square inch to decorate that I can, so halls are really utilized to the fullest extent.  Also, our hall is the central hub of how all the rooms fit together, so it is in constant use.

This is the view you have as you stand in the doorway of the master bedroom that is at the back of the house. You can see all the way through to the guest bedroom.

 I have this pair of pictures hanging on one side of the hall as you step out of the bdrm,

 and this is hanging across from it on the other side of the hall.  The sconces were a gift from my children when they were really small, so they are very special to me.

 As you walk down the hall, it widens out and you see an antique clock and a cupboard.

 The clock came out of a school in  LA.  It was the one they used to ring the bells.  (See all those buttons on the bottom, they ring different bells for recess, school’s out and etc.)  If I plug it in, it still works.  I think it is a neat treasure.  You can see the hall bath on the left and there is the door to my husband’s office on the right.

 Across from the clock is a small cupboard that holds more of my antique stuff.   You can see at this point that the hall allows you to enter the kitchen/familyroom area on the left or it turns and you can go to the living/dining area on the right.

 Lots of tin cans and other collections.

 As you head down the hall toward the living/dining area, I have a collage of antique clocks and a painting on the wall.

Most of these clocks came from my mom’s collection when she passed away.

 The painting I have had for years, one of my favorites and the last clock is one my mother made for me.  She even had a lathe and did all the turnings.  She loved woodworking.  This is definitely a special treasure.

So, do you fill up every bit of your hall with wall vignettes, or do you leave them bare or somewhere in between?

I am linking to the following parties:
Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
Judy at DIY by Design for Swing Into Spring
Kimmie at Sugar and Dots for What I Whipped Up Wednesday
Paula and Patti at Ivy and Elephants for What’s It Wednesday
Michele at Primp for Primp Your Stuff Wednesday
Gina at The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday
Sherry at No Minimalist Here for Open House Party on Thursdays
Katherine at Katherines Corner for Favorite Things Thursday Hop
Niki at The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things Thursday

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