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Meet Some Newbie Bloggers

Each week on Table Top Tuesday, we have tons of fabulous things to see and sometimes we have some newbie bloggers.  I always love meeting new friends and thought you might like to meet some too.

House By Holly transformed a fabulous lamp and also created a beautiful new vignette for her mantel.  You really need to go see both.  Love her layers.

Buttons Birds and BS has been super busy transforming a mirror she got at a really thrifty price.
Love this new color and love the color of her walls too.

UpCountry Olio shows off the most fabulous party and decor.  Don’t you just love the purse centerpiece sitting on the little stool.  You really need to see it all, so fun.

I hope you will all go and say hello to these ladies and make some new friends.  You will love them I am sure.  Also, see you Monday afternoon for another Table Top Tuesday.  Remember, anything goes, any kind of surface you can decorate is fair game and we want to see it all.

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