Home » Guest Bdrm. Finished – Done – Done – Done

Guest Bdrm. Finished – Done – Done – Done

I am finally going to say I am done with the guest bedroom.  If you’re new here, this journey started out as a way to find a place for all my antiques that were stored in the garage.  The guest bedroom was the only option, however it was a mix of boxes and things of my sons, so it all had to come out.  Next came a ton of cleaning and painting, then the fun could begin. If you missed any of the posts about how I put this room together you can see them here, here and here.  As I said, these are not normal bedroom pieces, but I love the character they are giving this room..    I’ve spent less than $100 for everything, and that’s been spent on 2 changes of bed linens, one for summer and one for winter and the drapes, everything else I had, just shopped the house.

The last large antique in the garage was this lawyers bookcase, so in it came and found a home.

 The bookcase fits well on the wall across from the bed and still leaves about 3 feet at the foot of the bed, so for a small room, I’ve managed to put a lot in here and you can still walk around.

 Continuing with my pledge to find a home for everything or get rid of it, this hunt scene pic found a home above the chair.

 The brass bedwarmer hangs between the bookcase and the butter churn.

The top of the bookcase holds an antique Kitchen clock, my newest dog find and a silver and leather trophy champagne bucket.

The first shelf continues the hunt theme of the room.

The second shelf has a few more dog things and some old books.  A few 1st place ribbons are on display also.

Some more books and two of my antique scales.

The bottom shelf has some of my dad’s tools, and my grandmothers butter mold.

Behind the door there is enough wall space to hang this lovely dog pic.

I love it, but this is the only place it would go.  (When guests close the door they will be surprised with a lovely picture.)

I borrowed a few things from the hossier for the bookcase and closed one of the doors so you  won’t hit your head as you get into bed.  So this is the look of this side of the room as you enter for now. lol  (Hopefully it won’t change for a while.)

The dough table work great for the nightstand on this side.

The hoosier is the attention piece in the room.  I really do like this piece and it can be used as a desk for a guest if they need one.  

The work surface slides out to make a large work area, just pull up the chair from across the room and you have a super desk.

Actually the Hoosier is a really versatile piece as a desk.  If they don’t want the big work surface, there are two cutting boards that pull out.  A small one on this side – 

 or a larger one on this side.

The riding hat and my little Honey Bunch book add interest to this side of the upper cabinet of the Hoosier.

Again, I added just a few things to the work surface, I wanted to leave enough room for a book or night time snack for my guests.

  Nice to have all the antiques out of the garage and find a home for them.

One last thing that I think will work, I decided to add my mom’s quilt rack.

 Perfect to hold a lightweight black shawl or a small quilt to cover up when taking a nap, plus the top can be used as a luggage rack.

 I think that is about all I can put in this room and still leave enough space for two people to easily move around.  I want this to be a comfortable place for my guests.

This bedroom is next door to the hall bath and at the opposite end of the house from the master, so guests have as much privacy as possible for a small house.

Now to finish cleaning out a ton more boxes and purging.  The only large antique piece left is a Camelback Trunk and that is going to my granddaughter.  Hopefully I can get my car in the garage soon.  

I am linking to the following parties:

Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays

Judy at DIY by Design for Swing Into Spring

Kimmie at Sugar and Dots for What I Whipped Up Wednesday

Paula and Patti at Ivy and Elephants for What’s It Wednesday

Michele at Primp for Primp Your Stuff Wednesday

Gina at The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

Sherry at No Minimalist Here for Open House Party on Thursdays

Katherine at Katherines Corner for Favorite Things Thursday Hop

Niki at The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things Thursday

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for Friday’s Unfolded
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
Heather and Vanessa At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday

Diann at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

Kate at Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Friday
Jane at Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Friday
Becca at Home Is Where My Story Begins for Home and Family Friday
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace At Home
Kelly’s Korner for Home Tour Bedrooms

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