Home » Crystal In The Kitchen

Crystal In The Kitchen

I love having pretty things to store my food in, so finding a couple of fabulous crystal decanters got me to thinking out of the box. I really like unusual bottles also for various beans and coffee.  I found both of the crystal decanters at GW for $2.99 each.  Such great find for crystal and such lovely pieces.

I gathered all of them together and placed them in an antique market basket.

 The crystal decanters work perfectly for pasta noodles and rice.  They would also work for all kinds of beans and even coffee beans.  I think the look is so beautiful, plus it keeps my ingredients really close at hand for easy preparation. Another interesting bottle holds split peas and the spaghetti bottle has beautiful wheat etched on the sides.  All are such interesting shapes and designs.

The sparkle from the decanter stoppers is so pretty, the light just dances off of them.

The base of this one is so detailed also.  I love all the crystal “knobs” sticking out, they really catch the light and dance.

You can see the wheat and the word past really clearly in real life, the camera just has a hard time picking up the detail.

There are so many different bottles out there also.  Look at this one that is totally flat on one side.  Love the green color too.

Just for fun I added a bottle of olives and peppers.  They add a ton f color to the mix.

Love the crystal and silver mixed with the rustic, great opposites and such a fun look.

Once you redo one vignette, it sort of snowballs, and you find that you want to redo another.  I rediscovered this wonderful rope basket while cleaning the garage, tucked away in a box and totally forgotten.  I thought it would be super to hold some eggs, a roo and topiary.

 Super simple, I added a tea towel for the eggs to lay on.

 My favorite roo, so I love to see him out strutting his stuff.

 Of course you can tell it was kitchen cleaning day, everything gets changed – – – – – – again.  Oh well, it was all things I had and so fun.

So, what are you changing, and do you find pretty containers to display your food in?

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