121st. Table Top Tuesday

Welcome to the 121st TTT.  I can’t wait to see what all you guys have to share.

I am still going through boxes in the garage and trying to find a home for everything.  I’m finding a few more antiques, so of course that meant I had to play.

More Antique tin cans and a fabulous Nabisco box.

(I had to use the flash since this was so high, but I wanted you to see the detail.)  Remember the old Nabisco boxes sitting on the counter and you could buy a cookie.  Yes I know, I am 200 yrs. old, but I use to think it was fun and remember I grew up in a town that was 1 block long and we had a soda fountain that had one of these. lol  I placed an Alice Foote MacDougal Coffee can and a KC Baking Powder can inside.  Then I put a small Glendora Coffee can and an Asco Table Syrup can on top.  These are pretty rare cans and I love the colors and the graphics.  The coffee grinder is next and then I added a Gold Medal Brand Garden Tea can.  It says Montgomery Ward on the label.  How fun is that.  Then a Pedro Smoking Tobacco can on top.  They sit next to my Sprague Warner & Co. Oolong Tea can.

The next thing I found is my 4 qt. hand crank glass butter churn.  This is one my mom used for years.

I am still working on the pledge to find a home for everything.  I think these all work fine on the top of the cabinet.

Kind of fun to look around the kitchen and see all of the tin cans and antiques.

 One of my favorite rooms in the house.  I love to cook, so I spend a lot of time in here.  It’s nice to be surrounded by things I enjoy looking at.

Just a little housekeeping news.  I own my blog now, I purchased my name  A Stroll Thru Life.  Everything should still be the same and you should all still get my posts the same way you always have.  The only thing that’s changed is my blog url.  It is http://www.astrollthrulife.net.  

Now let’s see what you guys have been doing!!!!!


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