Home » Show Us Your Life – Dining Rooms

Show Us Your Life – Dining Rooms

Kelly at Kelly’s Korner has an ongoing series called “Show Us Your Life”.  This week she wants to see all of our dining rooms.  I couldn’t wait to play, so I am showing you my dining area and my breakfast area.  Be sure to go check out her series, it is a ton of fun and so many beautiful rooms to see.

My dining room is at the end of the living room and as you can see is connected by a wide opening to the kitchen, breakfast area and familyroom.   It’s a really bright cheery space with the large window letting in so much light.  I have an Ethan Allen Trestle Farmhouse table and antique rush seat ladderback chairs.

For a different look, I sometimes swap out the chairs from the breakfast room.  Totally changes the whole feel of the room.

I love the large floral painting behind the table.  I have it flanked with some antique plates and corbels holding Southern Lady figurines.

 The centerpiece changes often, right now I have my silver coffee/tea service on display.

 There’s a small buffet under the window, a great piece for serving and decorating.

 My Fitz and Floyd tureen finds it’s way here quite often.

The china cabinet is on the opposite wall and is a piece I’ve had for many, many years and it holds crystal and silver that I have collected, plus my family pieces that I’ve inherited.

The breakfast room is part of the kitchen, familyroom area.  We eat most all of our meals here unless we are entertaining, then we use the dining room.  I use the buffet under the window as my desk, that way I can be in the center of the action all the time.

The breakfast room looks totally different with a change of chairs too. This picture shows how the breakfast/kitchen and familyroom area are all open through the wide doorway to the living/dining area.

Love having the breakfast area open to the familyroom and kitchen.

Sunflowers for summer just seem so cheery.

The Praying Man is one of my favorite paintings of all time.  I always have it in our eating area to remind us every day to Praise the Lord and be Thankful for all we have.  The huge shelf is so fun to decorate and I try to change it to reflect the seasons.  Some black and white transferware plates on the side and a small pitcher collection hanging from the hooks.

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