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A Bit of History

Bloggers are just the best people in the whole world.  Remember when I showed you my antique “washing machine”.   Well, Rose of Second Hand Rose saw it and commented that these were called a “Dolly” in Canada, ( she sent an email reminding me she is really in the UK, so sorry for the error ) and she could remember her mom using one.  She found this article and sent it to me.  Isn’t it just the neatest thing.

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Wash dolly and tub and Washroom at KnightshayesPin this image on Pinterest

The dolly tub was filled with hot water for washing the clothes. The tub was originally made from wood but galvanised steel became popular because it was lighter and therefore easier to empty. The dolly tub needed to be filled and emptied many times on washday.
The dolly peg is made from wood and has 4 or 5 legs. It was turned backwards and forwards in the dolly tub to agitate the clothes and get them clean. Housekeepers said the dolly peg should be turned 100 times for each item of washing.

Now I know the official name for my “washer” .

Thanks tons Rose, this was so fun to read about.

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