123rd Table Top Tuesday

Welcome to the 123rd Table Top Tuesday.  I am thrilled you’ve joined us and can’t wait to see what all you’ve linked up today.

It seems that a lot of people are getting rid of their crystal pieces, especially beautiful lead crystal.  I have found several gorgeous serving bowls, 2 clocks and four stunning 24 c lead crystal decanters.  I think they are all so versatile and can be used for so many different things.

I filled them with pasta, rice and beans and used them in the kitchen.  I love this look and I really like having food on display in pretty containers.

Then when I found the 4th one, I just had to do a simple silver tray vignette showcasing all of their fabulous cutwork and sparkle.

I found another decanter today, and even though this one isn’t lead crystal, it has beautiful lines.  

 I love how it fans out at the bottom in such graceful swirls.  Very pretty.

 Plus since it was 25% off day at GW, for $2.99 it was a great price.

 I decided to use it in the bathroom to hold my bath salts.  I added a cute little Paris Letter tag and some ribbons, then filled it with my favorite bath bubbles and sat it on a cut glass plate on the corner of the tub.

 Nothing super flashy, just something that makes me feel a little more pampered when I pour my salts from such a pretty decanter.

 I think they would be fabulous to hold mouth wash on the counter also with a beautiful glass on a tray.  Maybe I need to look for more.

Just like everyone started to give away their silver, I think they are now giving away their crystal too.  So, what do you think, will you be collecting some crystal pieces too?

I can’t wait to see what you have this week.  Remember anything goes, any place you can decorate is fair game.

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