124th Table Top Tuesday-Special Announcement

Today I am going to do things a little differently, so I am starting the party early. I think it is time to have a SUMMER CLOCHE PARTY.!!! We havn’t had a party to show off our cloches and how we decorate them since the spring, so we need to fluff them up and show them off.

Instead of TTT, let’s have our Summer Cloche Party on 7/24.    That gives everyone time to dust them off if you aren’t using them right now and put something together to join the party.  I can’t wait to see them.

If you missed any of the posts from the Spring Party you can click here to see them all.  I am always amazed at how creative you all are and remember, this doesn’t have to be a glass domed cloche.   Apothecary Jars, Mason Jars, Terrariums, Bird Cages, Hurricanes, Chicken Wire Cloches, Cheese/Cake Domes and any and everything that you can dream up to decorate under is fair game.  That’s what makes it so interesting.  You guys are all so clever.

Here are a couple that I showed you this spring.  This is my favorite one on the kitchen counter.  Love the cows and the old farmer.  Just fits my style.

This is my very first cloche, a present from my son, so it is so precious and special to me.  I always have it on the counter filled with something.  Love, love, love it.  No big deal, just a silver sugar bowl with a faux plant, but everything looks special under a cloche.

I just showed you my cake dome that I have on the table.  So fun filled with fruit and cheese.

Now I know you guys will delight us all with your fabulous ingenuity and creativity, so plan on joining the party and get those cloches all fluffed and let’s party.  Remember – –

                                                 SUMMER CLOCHE PARTY 7/24

Grab my button and spread the word.  Can’t wait to see you all at the party.

Ok, let’s see what you guys have for this week.  Remember to link back to this post and I would love it if you would follow me, just let me know and I will follow you back.

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