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Fun With Friends and Fellow Bloggers

I just feel so lucky to have met several fellow bloggers and created such wonderful friendships with these fabulous ladies.  Above sitting is CK of  Thinkin’ of Home, in the back left to right is me, then Liz of  Rose Vignettes and Jamie of  Mimi’s Corner.  We were also expecting Laura of Decor To Adore, but due to some mis-communication, we somehow missed her.  That was really sad, she is a ton of fun.  This picture is taken on the steps of a Sears Catalog house where we had a fabulous lunch.  After lunch we went to the neatest shop and drooled over tons of gorgeous antiques and collectibles.  Sorry no pics, I think CK is going to do a post about this place.  

One of the reasons for our get-together is CK has just moved into a new place, so we all wanted to have a little housewarming party.  Her new place is gorgeous.  This is a couple of bookcases that she has right inside the front door.  It creates kind of an entry way and backs up to the desk-office area she has created.  Is there enough drool power on those shelves or what.  Love that scales on the top too.

I won’t show you everything, but look at this bookcase she’s placed on a sliver of wall between the hall and her laundry room.  Cute, cute, cute.  I love everything in this display.  Doesn’t she have fabulous taste and some of the most wonderful antiques.

Just around the corner is this cute area.

Now if this didn’t make laundry time fun, then there is something wrong with you.  Just look at all the antiques and most of it is things from her childhood.  How wonderful is this!!!

The guest bathroom is to die for.  This is the vanity area.  She did a whole post about this room, so go check out her blog and see everything.  You will be so amazed and inspired.

Such a great day and so fun to get together with such wonderful friends.  We all met through blogging about 2 yrs ago, and have really developed close friendships since then.  One of the best Blessings from blogging.

If you don’t know any of these ladies, be sure to go visit.  You will love them.  They are truly lovely ladies.

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