Home » Antique Silhouettes

Antique Silhouettes

Silhouettes are so interesting.  They can be a scene or just a side portrait, what ever they are, they have fascinated us and been a favorite decorating choice for years.  Silhouettes first became popular around the 15th century for the aristocracy, usually made into jewelry.  Carrying a likeness of a loved one on a locket around your neck was all the rage.  Finally more and more artists were finding ways to create an affordable silhouette,  By 1700- 1800 they were being done for the masses by painting on glass and by cutting them from paper.

Silhouettes painted on glass in reverse were very favored during the end of the last century and the early part of this one.  This is one that my mother had forever and I always loved the beautiful lady.  Reminded me of a great Southern Belle out for a stroll.

 The back is interesting and tells you all about the picture.  It is called Glad Tidings.  It was to be paired with the Missive, however my mother didn’t have that one.  It was patented in 1933 and this is # 2020 series.

I was curious about “The Missive” and found this image on ebay.  I don’t think it is nearly as lovely as the one my mom had, so I can understand why she didn’t buy it.  These were both being offered for $24.99.  Not at all expensive, but they are fun to see.

 Then there was the art of cutting silhouettes out of paper.  This is me, signed and dated 1950 by the artist.  I remember we were in Woolworth in downtown Ft. Worth and a man had a small chair and easel set up.  It had been raining, so I had on a scarf.  My mom had a silhouette of both my sister and I done.

 I am trying hard not to clutter things up in the guest room.  However I really wanted to hang these two up.

 I put them on either side of the bed warmer in this corner.

 Silhouettes have also been fabulous needlework projects for years too.

 These are cross stitch of George and Martha that I did many, many years ago.

I see a lot of you doing silhouettes of your children and adding them to a collage.  Love that look.  A fabulous way to capture them throughout their life.  Little faces to adult and all the changes in between.

I am joining the following parties:

Jen at Tatertots and Jello for the Weekend Wrap-up Party

Donna ar Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special

Amy at Positively Splendid for Saturday Seven

Aimee at Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff

Sunny at Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sunday

Jamielyn at I Heart Nap Time for Sunday Scoop Party

SJ at Homemaker on a Dime for Creative Bloggers Party

Stephanie Lynn at Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase

The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday

Mary at Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday

Susan atBetween Naps On The Porchfor Metamorphosis Monday 

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