126th Table Top Tuesday

I just have to say thank you to everyone who joined the Summer Cloche Party and who visited.  I know you had as much fun as I did seeing all the fabulous creations everyone came up with.  Today I wanted to highlight a few of the entries and some new bloggers that joined in for the first time.

Cottage at the Crossroad created this wonderful vignette.  Love the knob on top of the cloche and the pretty pitcher holding the childs silverware.  Such a lovely display.

Chateau Chic was definitely thinking outside the box when she came up with this metal lampshade as a cloche.  Love it.  She had several other cloches that you need to see too.  Very creative.

This special and innovative cloche was created by Salmagundi.  How fun, this one gave me quite the chuckle.

My Vintage Life created this beautiful display of cloches.  I love this and all the different shapes are gorgeous. She is also a new blogger, so be sure to visit and welcome her to blogland.

Tea Cozie Cottage showed her beautiful pink cloche.  How pretty and such an unusual color.  She is also a new blogger, so be sure to stop by and say hello to her too.

Design till it Shines joined the party with her very first blog post.  You just have to go and welcome this lovely lady to blogland.  Her cloches and pictures are so pretty.

So much fun and there were so many fabulous creations that if you missed any, then you really missed a lot.  I can’t wait until we have the Fall Cloche Party, probably around the end of Sept.  I think we will all be in our Fall Decorating Mode by then.

Ok, now for this week, let’s see what all you’ve been up to.  I need some new inspiration.


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