116 Degrees calls for Chicken Pasta Salad

The temps ran all the way up to 116 this week, and I am really, really tired of it by now.  So even though I am inside in the cool A/C, just looking outside makes you warm and takes your appetite away.  Time to grocery shop, so it was also time to clean out the fridge and use up what I had.

Bow tie pasta. some hard boiled eggs, feta cheese, onions, chicken, olives and tomatoes.

 Cook pasta and then chop hard boiled eggs,  onions (red onions looks prettier, but I didn’t have any), tomatoes and slice olives.  I used 2 cans of diced chicken breasts, 1/3 c. feta cheese and mixed all in with the cooled pasta. Drizzle with vinegrette dressing, cover and place in the fridge to chill thoroughly.

 A glass of white wine and some pasta salad make a really nice cool dinner for a super hot summer day.

So what are you making for these super hot days?

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