Home » Shopping – Lunch and a Winner

Shopping – Lunch and a Winner

Don’t you just love those fun days when you get to shop and have lunch with a friend.  Laura of

Decor To Adore doesn’t live that far from me since she moved to her new house.  We planned today out so she could come and see my house and then we would go to my Goodwill’s (there are 2 near me) and then to lunch.  We had such a great time.  She is such a really sweet person and so fun to be around.

We didn’t find too much at either one of the GW’s, she got a silver tray and I got a cornucopia full of fall decor.  We also went to a used and consignment shop that had some really pretty things but they also had some really pretty prices to go with them.

After that we were hungry, so we went to Paradise Bakery for lunch.  As two friends do, we ate and talked up a storm.  So fun.  Back at my house and she headed home and I decided to play with my cornucopia.

I loved the floral arrangement inside and thought it might work to hang it on the front door, but it just didn’t work, it kept twisting around.  Just not flat enough on the bottom to work right.  It will be pretty on the table though, so I am sure I will get tons of use out of it.

I still need to do something for the front door, so I got out a basket that I had and got to work creating something different.  

This is what was there.

Since I have the aqua and brown cushions on the rockers on the porch, I had a wreath there first, but it got ruined in a monsoon storm.

This was the wreath.

So I took the basket down and redid the floral arrangement.  I put some aqua hydrangeas in it to tie in the porch cushions.

Hangs good and doesn’t swing around when you open the door, so I think it is perfect for now.

So how about you, have any fun play days lately.  If not you really need one, they are so good for the soul.


  Drum Roll Plea- – – – – –  PINKY @ DESIGNS BY PINKY

Congratulations Pinky.  email me your address and I will get the books out to you in a flash.  I hope you enjoy them.

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