Metal and Burlap – Frenchy Bucket

I know that we all love the look of rustic metal and burlap and when they are combined into one gorgeous container like this pitcher, how can you resist.

My dear friend Barb at The Everyday Home has opened an ONLINE RETAIL STORE and is giving this gorgeous piece away to one lucky winner.  Plus she is also giving away two coupons worth 25% off for two lucky winners too.  To enter you need to go HERE 

Her shop will offer beautiful vintage French and English Farmhouse treasures that we all love.  Here are a few examples

Love this milk carrier with the chicken wire basket.  Gorgeous

 This sign is stunning.  It could hang anywhere.

 I love this pig, how fun and cute is this.  Can’t you just see it in a fun vignette.

 And this wonderful pitcher that she is giving away.

She has fabulous pillows and so much more.  You really need to go to her site here to enter and read more about her beautiful new store.

This fabulous giveaway ends tomorrow, so you need to rush over and get your name in the pot.

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