Blessed Again

It seems like every time I need something and really want to do something for as little money as possible, the Lord jumps into action to provide it for me.  He uses my Goodwill a lot to Bless me.  Now these are not really “needs”, mostly just “wants” or “it would be nice”.

My son who lives in Oregon is going to be working here for several months on and off this winter, and I am just so excited that he will get to stay with us.  You know how mom’s are about getting to spend time with their kids even if they are grown, we still cherish every minute.  My guest bedroom went through a makeover this past year, you can see that post here, so it will be a comfortable place for him to stay and work.

I know it is definitely unusual, but I used all of my antique kitchen pieces in this room.  I just didn’t have anywhere else and I think they work beautifully.  The hoosier top will pull out to make a fabulous desk. (see pic below)  I have cable nearby and plenty of plugs, so hooking up a computer to the Internet will be a snap and he will have plenty of work surface to work on.  Only thing is I didn’t have a very comfortable extra desk chair to sit on.

Well ask or wish and you shall receive.  Thank you Lord.  I didn’t want to spend a ton of money since I don’t need one full time, so off to look around at GW and this is the beauty I found.  $12.95 and totally looks brand new.  I am so thrilled, this will be so much more comfortable for him to work at than sitting on a wood chair, plus I think it is really nice looking.

  I moved  the wood chair out and when he isn’t using the new chair at the desk area, it will slide ride against the back wall and be totally out of his way.  This isn’t a really big room, but this will work fantastically.

The other thing I have wanted is a TV for this room.  I just think that would be nice for my guests, they could relax and watch the news or any program they want to and have a little “me” time to themselves.  This room is steps away from the kitchen, so how nice to grab your morning coffee and relax in bed.  I was hoping to get a small flat screen to put on top of the antique lawyers bookcase.  This is on the wall across from the foot of the bed and would be a great spot for one.

Well again, the Lord said how about a really great TV without spending hardly any money at all.  How about just $1.   That’s right, GW marked all of their TV’s down to $1.

 They did that once before when they had a bunch, and then now they have done it again.  This one looked absolutely perfect, had the remote and the manuf. date on the back is 2005, and made by Sharp.  So not that old and is 20 “, so a great size for this small room.  Fits perfectly on top of the antique butter churn and slides right in that corner and is completely out of the way.   Blessed again.

This is what the wall across from the bed looked like.

 and here it is with both my new Blessings.  Isn’t God good and isn’t this just perfect.

A Flat Screen TV would still be nice and I am sure He will provide one at a fabulous price down the road, but for now, this is perfect and I am so thankful and thrilled.

I am joining the following parties:
Kim @ Savvy Southern Style for WOW Wednesday

Judy @ DIY by Design for Fall Into Fall
Yvonne @ Stonegable  for Tutorials – Tips and Tidbits

Gina at The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

Sherry at No Minimalist Here for Open House Party on Thursdays

Katherine at Katherines Corner for Favorite Things Thursday Hop

Niki at The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things Thursday
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home

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