Football, Food Network and HGTV

We don’t eat out very often, so that means that I cook a lot.  I enjoy it and love to watch the Food Network and try new recipes.  I also love HGTV and I am absolutely thrilled that it is Football Season.  However, my kitchen is set up so I can’t see the TV in the adjoining familyroom.  See where the entertainment center is, not good if you are in the kitchen.

 Now if I get desperate, I can look in the mirror over the sofa and catch a glimpse of what’s happening on the TV screen,but that is definitely not the way to watch TV.  So, basically if I am in the kitchen, I listen, not watch.

When we first moved in, before the entertainment center was put in place, my DH added a cable outlet to the corner of the kitchen.  However with all the moving expenses, a TV was definitely not anywhere near the top of the list and I kind of forgot about it.

 But now I have one.  Remember my GW has all of their TV’s on sale for $1, so I decided that a small one would work here and then I wouldn’t miss any of the Football game or any other program.  Now I don’t need the VCR, however, this was only $1 so really how picky can you be for $1, so it’s a keeper until I get something better.

 (This is HGTV showing)  Isn’t this going to be perfect.  Now I will put a small flat screen on my list, but it’s not an emergency or anything I have to have right now.  This will do just fine.

I have plenty of counter space, so tucked in this corner is perfect.  

$1 for a TV .  Isn’t that amazing!!!!!  I am having a ball with these $1 TV’s.  A really fabulous 20″ one for the guest bedroom (see that post here) and now this one for the kitchen.  What a Blessing!

                                                                        I am joining:
                                                 SNS @ Funky Junk Interiors
                            Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different – Act Normal
                              Spotlight Saturday @ Classy Clutter
                                 Saturday 7 @ Positively Splendid
                            Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures                   
                                   Sunny @ Sunny Simple Life for Simple Sunday
                   Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for Met. Monday
                         Linda @ Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

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