133rd Table Top Tuesday

Wow there were so many fabulous entries last week.  Everyone is getting all of their Fall decor started, and so much inspiration and eye candy.  Totally awesome.   Here are some great posts from last week that I thought you might like to see.

This is from Gail’s Decorative Touch.  Oh my, look at her gorgeous pumpkins she made. Fantastic or what!!

Don’t you love how she wrapped them in burlap.

There is no one in the whole world that can put a vignette together any better than Laurie from
Bargain Hunting and Chatting.  I mean serious just visit her post and  look at everything.  You will totally come away in awe.
FALL DECOR Bargain Hunting & Chatting with Laurie

Fabby is another genius when it comes to creating fabulous vignettes.  Look at this buffer and her tiered display.  Stunning.

I am trying so hard to learn the art of subtle and restraint and this is exactly what I mean.  This display is picture perfect to me and Rhonda at Blue Creek Home made it look so easy.  Go learn from her.

I just want to take a picture of this and frame it.  Isn’t this the most perfect Still-Life picture you have ever seen.  Also, can you imagine, the checks are painted on that silver teapot.  You have to go see this at
Hyacinths For The Soul

Sujatha is from India and she loves to use fresh flowers and greenery in her vignettes.  Isn’t this gorgeous!  She is also a brand new blogger with just 9 followers, so she needs you to go and welcome her to blogland.  So hop on over to Crystal Grandeur and give her a super welcome to our fun world of blogging.

Ok, now let’s see what you guys have been up to this week.  I am sure it is amazing.



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