Winter Garden

I know most of you are getting ready for snow and some really cold weather, but here in the desert our Falls are just perfect temps in the 70’s and time to plant a winter garden.

 DH has this side of the garden all tilled and ready for planting, but as you can see the side behind him still needs a ton of work.  That’s our compost pile on the top right. Right above the lettuce he’s planted onions and garlic, and below the lettuce we have carrots and radishes.

 Four types of lettuce all planted.   The other side he will plant beans against the fence, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli and  eggplant will go in the beds when he gets them tilled.

Love the fresh lettuce and veggies from the garden.  They taste sooooooooo good.  In another couple of weeks we will be eating radishes and clipping some of the lettuce.  Can’t wait.

Do you grow a winter garden?

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