EeeeeeeK-The Invasion of the BIRDS

I have been enjoying some fabulous lettuce from the garden, and nothing tastes better.

 However, after being away for a couple of days, look what the birds did.  They ate my lettuce.  I don’t think they like Romain or Purple leaf, they left that alone, but they chewed up the regular lettuce.

 Next to the lettuce is carrots and radishes, they finished off the tops of the carrots too, but they didn’t like the garlic,  so DH surrounded the garden with Bird Netting.  Yea, lettuce for me and not the birds.

 Today he’s finishing up the rest of the garden for planting.  The side with the rows will be cauliflower and broccoli.  The area he’s working on will be onions.

We have strawberries in the pots on the left and he will plant beans and peas on the grid on the back wall.

I love having a garden.  He’s made it pretty easy to maintain with the drip lines too.  Great veggies, I can hardly wait for more than the lettuce.  Won’t be long.

I know most of you are getting cold weather and temps, but this is definitely our fall and spring right now.  Best time ever to be in the desert.  We will have these fabulous temps in the 70’s until sometime in April.  Love it.

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