The Cobbler and No Shoes

You’ve all heard that story of how the Cobblers children had no shoes.  Well that’s how I’ve felt for the past couple of years.  My DH is a Master Gardener and for several years was the co-host of a television program demonstrating how to grow beautiful gardens.  He still gives talks to various groups a couple of times a week and does all kinds of seminars.  He really is very talented.  I use to have a yard that was featured in Phoenix Home Magazine and several other publications, but I guess he got burned out.  When we moved to this smaller home with a smaller yard, he lost interest and my yard has not been magazine worthy.

  This year he finally decided to clean up the side yard and to put all of my dad’s old farm tools somewhere.
I love being able to see these old things in the yard.

He even planted some flowers in the hanging baskets.

 and some in the other planters too.

 Plus he’s put in a veggie garden.

Wow, he is on a roll and I feel like I have a tons of “shoes” now.

So, how is your garden doing?  Hope to see you later this evening for TTT.

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