139th Table Top Tuesday

Welcome to the 139th Table Top Tuesday.    I have been enjoying everyone’s Fall Decor and can’t wait to see more.

It’s amazing what a little spray paint can do for some really inexpensive decorations.  I bought a bag full of small pumpkins and gourds at the Dollar Tree and transformed them into expensive ceramic looking copy cats.  These are the ones I did last year, but I thought it was worth reposting.

These look exactly like the ones I saw at Michaels and Hobby Lobby for pennies compared to the price of theirs.

 The bag had this assortment inside.  I also sprayed a few springs of ivy to use in the arrangement.

  Oil rubbed bronze, gold, cream and clear spray paints.

 I just used a wooden skewer inserted in the bottom so I could spray all around them really easily.

 A few of them sprayed and in a pot to dry.

 The ORB looks so pretty.  I gave all of them a coat of the clear to add just the right amount of shine.

 The skewers are also perfect to insert in the foam of the floral arrangement.

See how the shine of the ones I painted make them look like the ceramic ones on the table.

This shows how just adding a few ribbon loops can change the entire look.

$1 bag of goodies and the paint I already had.


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