155 Dream Lane

If you don’t know Sonny @ 155 Dream Lane, then you have really missed a fabulous blog.  Her home is stunning and she is the most talented decorator.  However, she is also an unbelievable graphic designer.  That’s what she does in the real world for a living and wow, she really is super talented.  I first met her on her blog, then I had the opportunity to get to know her a little better when she thought she might be moving to Phx.,  talk about a sweet and precious lady.  We emailed back and forth many times about houses and everything related to the area.

This is a post she did for a Copy Cat challenge, she also painted those chairs, (yes, I think she was the first to post about painting fabric.) you won’t believe what they use to look like,  unreal.  To see this post click here.

Just look at these adorable sweater pumpkins.  I love the bows that she added, cute, cute, cute.  You can see that entire post here.

Then look at this wonderful Snow Santa display.  You also need to read the cute story that goes with this post here.

She also creates the most fabulous life-like baby dolls you have ever seen.  I couldn’t copy a pic, but if you want to see one of them click here.  They are the most incredible babies I have ever seen.

Well, have I convinced you that she is one of the most talented ladies in all of blogland?  To prove my point about how talented she is in her real job, just look at the header she created for her own blog.

Isn’t it wonderful.  Well when she saw me playing around with different collages, she offered to create a new header for me as an early Christmas Present.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about this.  Of course I accepted and she went to work and immediately came up with this wonderful header for my blog.  Isn’t it Perfect!!!   I really love it and I am so thrilled with such a generous and fabulous present.

Then if that wasn’t enough, she made me new buttons for my sidebar for my Blog and Table Top Tuesday.    I love them and they are so pretty and classy. These go so much better with the new style of my blog. I am definitely feeling like I am stepping up. lol  I have all of these buttons on my sidebar and I would love for you to add them to yours.

Then she made this one for Christmas.  Gorgeous.

Now for the best news of all, Sonny has decided to offer her services to everyone in blogland.  You can contact her here to find out what all she offers and pricing.  I am so thrilled to be able to recommend her and announce her as a fabulous new sponsor.

                                                         155 Dream Lane

   If you don’t know Sonny and her blog, 155 Dream Lane,  I hope you will stop by and say hello.  I am sure you will be totally amazed at her talent, plus you will find a lovely and gracious southern lady that you will love.

                                       I am linking to the following parties:

                                       SNS @ Funky Junk Interiors

                            Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different – Act Normal

                              Spotlight Saturday @ Classy Clutter

                                 Saturday 7 @ Positively Splendid

                               Overflowing with Creativity @ It’s Overflowing

                               Sunday Showoff @ Twigg Studios

                                   Sunny @ Sunny Simple Life for Simple Sunday

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