Home » 141st. Table Top Tuesday

141st. Table Top Tuesday

Wow, you guys really had tons of inspiration and eye candy this last week.  I was totally in awe of all you have been up to and it definitely made it really hard to pick just a few to feature.

Home is Where the Boat Is always comes up with a fabulous tablescape and I think this one is stunning.

Olive Out used a toolbox to hold some of her dishes in this setting.  I LOVE her brown transferware.

Gail’s Decorative Touch has such a creative eye.  Love the cotton bouquet with the silver and crystal.  Plus look at her wall vignette.  Fabulous.

I love the elegant simplicity of this beautiful centerpiece that This Is Happiness created.  Beautiful.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl gave us a tour of her fabulous home.  Definitely a must see, so beautiful.

Entertaining Women created this breathtaking tablescape.  You need to see the closeup of the buffet also.

One More Time took the art of redoing something with a sweater to new levels.  Look at these fabulous Sweater Trees.

Design til it Shines made these wonderful paper pumpkins and then created the most fabulous vignette.  Love the wheat and grass.

Daffodil Hill celebrated her lst blogging anniversary by taking us on a tour of her beautiful home.  The kitchen is fabulous, but you really need to see the rest of her home, gorgeous.

Nancy’s Daily Dish shared a step by step tutorial on how to make this exquisite centerpiece.

I am totally impressed and I know you guys are also.  You really need to go and visit everyone that linked up, there was way too many fabulous links to miss any.

Remember when I showed off all my new header and buttons done by Sonny @ 155 Dream Lane, well she is offering one lucky person a Holiday Header as a Giveaway.  How Fabulous is that.  Be sure to visit her and enter, this is such a great gift.

This is the beautiful header she designed for her blog.  Go sign up now, you will love what she creates for you.

One small reminder also.  This week we had quite a few that still had WORD VERIFICATION enabled and had none or few comments.  Please turn it off, it is not necessary and most people will just skip right over you when they see it.  You put so much work and love into your creations and your posts, it’s a shame not to have anyone comment on it.

Now let’s see what’s up for this week.

Table Top Tuesday

(Linkup closed)


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