Home » Calling All Bloggers To Unite _ Elves for CK

Calling All Bloggers To Unite _ Elves for CK

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The best part of blogging is the friends you make, and I am so fortunate that I have met some of the most precious friends and they are such a blessing to my life.    One of those precious friends is a lovely lady named Ceekay and she has a blog called Thinkin’ of Home.  We all call her just CK, so much fun and so full of life.  We met 3 years ago through a bloggers lunch and since then have been great friends.  I love her cheerful nature and her zest for life.  She has been fighting a battle with Ovarian Cancer for over 7 years and never lets that define who she is or what she wants to do.  However, right now she is in the hospital and very ill, she is fighting hard,  Chemo has her in such a weakened condition that fighting an infection is a real battle. We are all hoping she will beat this thing and be home soon.

If you don’t know her, here are a few pictures that show her zest for life and her loving and outgoing personality.

Visiting a farm

 Having a fabulous time with a fellow blogger (Mary’s Meanderings).

 Loving time with another friend – Karen

 Her first time at the ocean

This was taken right before she got sick at our last gals lunch.

Ok, now why I called you all together.  One of the things on CK’s Wish and Bucket list is to be able to take her family (Son, Daughter, SIL, 2 Grands and she and her husband) to Disneyland.  She mentioned this at a recent luncheon and this really struck the heart of Laura @ Decor to Adore

So, Laura has decided to donate all the proceeds from the Elves that she makes and sells in her Etsy shop to a fund for Ck so she can fulfill her dream.  She is calling it 


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Please go to her blog – Decor to Adore – and see the post she has explaining how you can help.  I would also love it if you would spread the word.  I know there is nothing that we can’t do as bloggers, and if we all work together, we can make this happen.

We need 7 of these Tickets, so tell all your friends

If you would like to donate to CK’s trip, just click on the PayPal button on my sidebar and all of the money will be added to her Elves for Ceekay fund.

Thanks you guys, you are all the best and I can’t wait to see her well and off to Disneyland.

I am spreading the word here:
Kristen at Kristen’s Creations for Share Your Creations

Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home

Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for Friday’s Unfolded
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
Heather and Vanessa At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday

Diann at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

Kate at Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Friday

Jane at Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Friday

Becca at Home Is Where My Story Begins for Home and Family Friday

Remodelaholic for Home Sweet Home on a Budget


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