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Perfect Finds and Timing

I havn’t been to Goodwill for a while, but stopped by the other day and found some great treasures.  My favorite for this season are these fabulous silver goblets.  I already have 6, so finding 4 more is a real treat.

 Look at the price and then it was 25% off besides that.  So 4 of these beauties for under $6.

I am doing two tables this year since we are having 14 for dinner.  These silver goblets will be perfect for the table in the breakfastroom to give it a little bit of glitz.  There will be 8 at this table and 6 at the one in the dining area.

Here’s a little sneak peak at the dining table.  Be sure and check back tomorrow for Table Top Tuesday to see more.

My second super find that I just LOVE, is this precious little farmer couple.  See the chickens at their feet, how precious are they.

 I thought they were perfect for now by the rooster lamp.

 I have a real thing for farmer figurines.  This is the first one I found, he doesn’t have a wife, but I am looking.

 He was my first farmer.  He’s resting in the bookcase for now.

 This was my next little couple.  I think these two are frenchy farmers.  He’s holding a basket of grapes and a bucket of milk.  They look a little older and tired.  Life has been hard on the farm.

 They are living under my favorite cloche with one of my cows.

Always fun to stop by Goodwill and find such fun treasures.    Have you found any goodies lately?

Again, I can’t thank you enough for all of you that have purchased an elf ornament or made a donation through paypal for CK’s Family Disneyland dream trip.  To read the whole story check here.   Everyone has been so generous and we are on our way to making this happen.  Her son updated us on her FB page and she is improving in the area of the infection, however there have been a few set-backs in other areas.  Still no idea when she might get to go home from the hospital.  This last Chemo really knocked her for a loop.  Prayers needed for the whole family and support with paypal and purchasing one of Laura’s Elves.  Thank you all so much.

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