Guest Bedroom-Making Room for One More

When you have a small house you know all about space challenges, so you have to be creative sometimes in order to have one more as an overnight guest.  So coming up with Guest Room Ideas, or a make shift Guest Room can be a challenge.  Some times you have to think outside the box.

My son is here from Oregon for a few months working, so he is using our guest bedroom.  Jordy his son (my grandson) is living in Idaho for college, but has a break and is going to come down for 10 days, so where do I put him that isn’t the couch and something that has to be redone every single day?

This is what you are use to seeing as my dining area.

Well, thank the Lord for versatile furniture, it is going to become his bedroom while he is here.

 My table top folds in half and becomes a really narrow library table.  See, it is barely wider than the runner.

 Slide all the chairs over, get out the air mattress and all of a sudden he has a bedroom.  Not very big and not the most private, but at least he’s not in the middle of the floor or walkway and he does have his own space, plus the air mattress is more comfortable than the sofa.

 We will all be spending most of our time in the familyroom, kitchen/breakfast area, so he can have the living room as his.

This will do in a pinch.

This is Jordy, remember you all prayed for him when he broke both legs in a race for the U.S. Ski Team two years ago.  When you crash going approx. 70 mph and your skies don’t release, you really do major damage.  We are so blessed that he didn’t hurt his spine or break his neck, but he did a real number on both legs.   They had to put two rods in each leg from the knees down to the ankles, and several pins to put him back together.  More surgery and lots of therapy and hard work and all our prayers were heard and answered, he is perfect.  Not able to ski on the U.S. Ski Team and he didn’t make it to the Olympics, but he is not paralized, or crippled, so he is perfect and such a miracle and Blessing from the Lord.

This medical team is unreal, you can’t even imagine what all they can do.

This became a second home for a while, but so worth it in the long run.

 Here he is last summer at my daughter’s house.  They had just gotten out of the pool.  Love that gorgeous smile.  No limp, no nothing.  When the Lord answers a prayer, he goes way beyond anything you can even hope for.

I am such a blessed grandma that I get to spend time with him.  He is so special.  So, I am going to be cooking tons of his favorites and enjoying every minute.

I am joining the following parties:

Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for Friday’s Unfolded
Cyndi @ The Creativity Exchange for Friday Favorites
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Diann at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

Kate at Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Friday

Jane at Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Friday
Jennifer at Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

Becca at Home Is Where My Story Begins for Home and Family Friday
Aimee at It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity
Mallory & Savannah at Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday
Lorie at Be Different Act Normal for Show and Tell Saturday
Jen at Tatertots and Jello for Weekend Wrap Up Party

Remodelaholic for Home Sweet Home on a Budget

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