Blog Tip – Adding Networked Blogs

I originally ran this post in August, but I had a couple of people contact me and ask for the instructions again to add the Networked Blogs App to their blog sidebar.  Such an easy way for anyone to follow you.  So here it is again for those that missed it.

Networked Blogs- – – – – There are a lot of new blogs out there that don’t have any way for us to follow except through a RSS feed or email.  I really love to follow a blog and get all their updates right on my blog dashboard.  It seems that a lot of people aren’t aware of the Networked Blogs app, so I found a super website that explains how to add this feature in such easy terms that anyone can do it.  It is connected to your facebook page, so it works for any blog.  Kind of a really blurry pic, but that’s the best I could do, it is not easy to copy.  You can see mine on the sidebar.

This is a youtube video that shows exactly how to add this feature to your blog.  Great tutorial and he shows every step.

Here are more sites that give complete instructions.

Since Google Friends Connect doesn’t support the new .com or .net blogs, this is a great one for newcomers to add.  It is also a super one for those on WordPress to add.  Just makes it so easy to click a button and follow right on the dashboard and that way you see a new post every time it comes up without having to weed through a long list of emails.  At least it is easier for me anyway.

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