Home » Super Bowl Fun

Super Bowl Fun

Did you guys enjoy the game.  We had a great time.  When a mom gets to have her children  together and they are just having fun and acting silly, it is always a great day.

 These two are always acting crazy together.

I forgot to get pictures of all the food, but here is one of just a small portion of it.  Dips, chips, cheeses, meats and crackers were first, then the won tons.  I told you they would eat them all.  Then about half time we got out the big stuff.  Orange Chicken, Fried Rice, Mini Tacos, Mini Chimis, Buffalo Wings and Ribs.
    (Sorry, I forgot to take pictues until it was almost all gone.)

Desert was mini Banana Nut Muffins and coffee.

A Super fun day with people I love so much.  I am totally Blessed.

Hope your weekend was super too.  See you later for Table Top Tuesday.

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