Accessories Decor-Amazing - A Stroll Thru Life
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Accessories Decor-Amazing

If you are looking for some accessories for your home,  I went through a store the other day that would totally blow your mind.  It takes hours to go through this place, and they have so many beautiful things, you just want one of each.  Here’s just a little bit of what they have.

Welcome to Garden Ridge in Mesa, Arizona.

Yes, this little pig just had to come home with me.  Just way toooooooooo cute.

This was just a sampling, there is tons of furniture, rugs and garden pots and accessories too.  Amazing place.  I definitely need to go back, totally worth the drive.  DH found some things he wanted for the garden, you know silly stuff like plant dollies and planters.  Not my thing, but he had fun, and it was nice spending a day with him.

I am joining the following parties:

Danielle @ Silver Pennies for Silver Pennies Sunday

Elaine @ Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sundays

Aimee @ Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff Party

Katie @ Creatively Living for Monday Funday Party

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