Fudge Infused Cake

Now I know we all love a good Chocolate Fudge Cake, but one that is infused inside with chocolate too, on my, that is sheer delight.

Bake your favorite fudge cake. ( I used a box mix.  I learned a long time ago to use my mixer and mix a box cake twice the time recommended and it will totally taste like made from scratch. )  Straight out of the oven place it on a rack to start to cool.

This is a cheat cake all the way around.  Put your fudge frosting in the micro for approx 20 to 30 seconds, just until you can stir it really easily.

Grab a skewer out of the drawer.

 Poke holes all over your cake.  Remember it needs to still be hot from the oven.

 Using about 1/2 a can of the frosting, spread it all over the top of the cake.  (Notice it is really creamy, not stiff at all)

 See the frosting running down the sides of the pan, that’s what it is doing in all those holes you made too.

 It is filling the holes with wonderful judge frosting.

 Spread the frosting around again so there is more to go down into the holes.

I usually spread the frosting one more time.   Now, let it cool and totally indulge. 

 I have another recipe for a chocolate cake that is totally decadent and will be a hit every time.  Simple easy from scratch recipe here.

If chocolate fudge isn’t your thing, I am sure you will totally love this next recipe.  This beauty has the flavors of lemon, orange, coconut and almond.  One of the best cakes you will ever eat.  Easy recipe.

Hope you like it, definitely one of my favorites.

I am joining Stone Gable for What’s On The Menu Monday

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